Ingredients: Flour, Sugar, Milk, Strawberries, Blueberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Oil, Eggs, Baking Powder, Vanilla Extract
Baked goods – prepared in our Upcycle Kitchen.
Available frozen only.
The SEED has partnered with Friendlier to bring you reusable containers! When you’re done with the container, Friendlier will buy it back from you! Simply scan the QR code on the bottom of the container using your smartphone which will bring you to the Friendlier app, or head to This will take you to your account, or if you don’t already have one, create an account using an email and password. If the code has not already been entered, type in the unique QR code to claim your payment. Return the container to your driver on your next delivery. When Friendlier receives it back, they will confirm and you will be able to access your payment. You can then request payment through your account at any time.
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Ingredients: Flour, Sugar, Milk, Strawberries, Blueberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Oil, Eggs, Baking Powder, Vanilla Extract