Our Team
To find out about job opportunities, please keep an eye on the Guelph Community Health Centre jobs posting page.

Tom Armitage
SEED Manager
519 404 9540Omelnisaa Giddam
Shelldale Farm Park Coordinator
519 821 6638 X 401
Kaitlin Ball
Customer Service Lead
Shearin Fahandazh
Market Lead

Logan Pollock
Warehouse and Delivery Lead
Madeline Barber
Communications Coordinator
519-821-6638 x319

Kari Badgerow
Good Food Distribution Coordinator
519 821 6638 X379
Nicole Leighton
Grocery and Market Coordinator
Yasmine Gheshlaghi
Packing Lead
The programs we run would not be possible without thousands of hours contributed by amazing volunteers. The following posts highlight contributions from SEED champions!
August 2023 SEED Champion: Evan Graham
Every month we highlight someone who makes the SEED the do-it-together movement that it is. It takes a community to feed a community, and we’ve got an incredible community! This month we want to introduce Evan Graham! Evan has been a SEED volunteer since the early days of our sliding scale markets, helping with set…
July 2023 SEED Champion: Tristan Henderson
Every month we highlight someone who makes the SEED the do-it-together movement that it is. It takes a community to feed a community, and we’ve got an incredible community! This month we want to introduce Tristan Henderson! Right from the start, Tristan has blown us away with his rock-solid reliability and commitment to The SEED’s…
April 2023 SEED Champion: James Ball
James has been volunteering with us for over a year, and he comes every single week always ready to take on a new role! He is super flexible and dependable. James is patient, kind and could not be a better volunteer. We are so grateful to have him on our pack line! Here is a…
March 2023 SEED Champion: Ingrid von Cube
Every month we highlight someone who makes the SEED the do-it-together movement that it is. It takes a community to feed a community, and we’ve got an incredible community! This month we want to introduce Ingrid von Cube, who has continuously been a dedicated volunteer with the SEED, shown incredible fundraising efforts, and helps make…
February 2023 SEED Champion: Ken Pilgrim
Every month, we highlight someone who makes The SEED the do-it-together food movement that it is. This month we meet Ken, a regular volunteer in the Upcycle Kitchen. Ken brings many things to his role including positivity, flexibility, humour, patience and lots of enthusiasm. He comes in every week, ready to take on whatever it…
January 2023 SEED Champion: Tracey Gowan
Every month, we highlight someone who makes The SEED the do-it-together food movement that it is. This month we meet Tracey, one of our regular Groceries from The SEED customers. Tracey has been a customer since we opened in November 2020, and she has ordered from our online store every month since! She is great…
To solve the problem of food insecurity, we believe in…
- System change. Rethinking the status quo for government food policies and our society’s expectations.
- Social enterprise: Sustainably improving food access while driving change and employing young people.
- Food as healthcare: Building good food into the healthcare system via innovative community food programs
- Community involvement and diverse leadership: There are food leaders in every corner of Guelph-Wellington.
- Partnership: Collaborating closely with other organizations, institutions, and businesses.
- Evaluation and cross-pollination: Understanding our impact and sharing best practices with other communities and organizations.
Read more about our activities and values on our blog.
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