Grocery shop with a purpose.
I am able to have a little more of our funds
Groceries from The SEED Customer – 2023
go towards enriching my little kids life with
experiences and activities we otherwise could
not spare the funds for.
We are the first sliding-scale online grocery store in Canada! When you shop, you help people in your community afford good food.
We created Groceries from The SEED to fill a gap in access to nutritious food in our community. Food insecurity is the result of people not having enough money to afford the food they need. Our sliding scale pricing allows people to afford more food when compared to shopping at a grocery store. By including people who can afford to pay retail rates for food we receive income that can help us pay for some of our operating costs. We also offer free, high quality, donated food on the store, this way even people who do not have enough money to shop with us can fill their baskets with items we make available. There is something for everyone with Groceries from The SEED and is a great example of how we are building a connected community where everyone has access to good food.
Sliding Scale
Customers can choose to pay anywhere from 33% off up to the retail price of the food. No membership required if you are paying retail, and just a short intake form if you are seeking a discount membership.
Note: We currently have a wait list for discount memberships, but we are working our way through it!
Free Food
On a bi-weekly basis we receive a large shipment of donated food from Second Harvest. Once received, we catalogue it item by item and check their best before dates. Owing to customer feedback we have a policy to not make food available that will be beyond its best before date by the time it gets to you. Read our policy page here.
Social Enterprise
The SEED is a non-profit program of the Guelph Community Health Centre. As a non-profit we are able to use business principles to achieve a social and/or economic impact as long as it is in line with our mission and vision. Using the social enterprise model helps bring in some income, but we are still reliant on foundations and private donations to operate.
How do I buy groceries?
Order your groceries by visiting and logging in to the grocery store before Wednesday at 12pm
Add items to your basket like you would on any online store
Choose your order pickup location:
- The Community Food Warehouse at 69 Huron Street (Thursdays, 1pm to 5pm)
- 20 Shelldale Crescent in the gym (Fridays, 11am to 2pm)
Pick up your order at the time and location you chose!
Get started today.
Volunteers make it possible for us to offer deeper discounts to low-income community members.
Your donation will help us continue to provide groceries for our most vulnerable community members.
Thank you so much, I really appreciate the ability to feed my kids wonderful healthy food.
Groceries Customer
The produce is so fresh and tasted amazing! Very impressed.
Groceries Customer
What’s new with groceries from The SEED? Read more about…
This program has been made possible through the Ontario Trillium Foundation’s Resilient Communities Grant
For more info contact:
Kaitlin Ball – Customer Service Lead
groceries@theseedguelph.ca // 519 821 6638 X396