Sliding-scale fresh food markets.

At the SEED Markets, we sell food on a sliding scale. This means that you can pay anywhere between our low price and our retail price. Lowest price is 33% off retail. You choose what’s best for you, no questions asked. By paying the retail price you help to subsidize the cost of selling the food at a discount. We sell both local and imported fruits and vegetables, soup starters, dried goods, and our frozen meals and Makeover Muffins from the Upcycle Kitchen.
Our innovative model brings together people of all incomes for a common purpose – good food and social connection.
By shopping at the SEED’s markets, you directly contribute to a more equitable food system.
Join us!
10:30am to 2pm
20 Shelldale Crescent in the Gym
We take cash, debit, credit
You can also order additional items like dairy, grains, frozen meals and more via the grocery store! Just select “20 Shelldale” as your pick up option.
8am to 1pm
Guelph Farmers’ Market (outside)
Check out some of our latest blog posts about the SEED Markets to learn more!
August 2023 SEED Champion: Evan Graham
Every month we highlight someone who makes the SEED the do-it-together movement that it is. It takes a community to feed a community, and we’ve got an incredible community! This month we want to introduce Evan Graham! Evan has been a SEED volunteer since the early days of our sliding scale markets, helping with set…
Applying Social Enterprise to Food Access Programming – The SEED Markets
In the previous post I spoke about the origins of The SEED, the reports that encouraged collective action, and the first steps we took in centralizing cold storage and distribution of nutritious food in our community. In this post I touched just briefly on the fact that we began our wholesale distribution program Good Food…
Continue Reading Applying Social Enterprise to Food Access Programming – The SEED Markets
Guelph Farmers’ Market: We are back!
We are back at the Guelph Farmers’ Market for 2023! In 2022, 10C assumed direction of operating the Guelph Farmers’ Market, with a goal of revitalizing the space. We hope to help in their mission of improving Farmers’ Market access for everyone. We loved hosting a booth at the Market last year and are so…
For more information please contact:
Nicole Leighton
Market Coordinator