Over 23% of households in Guelph-Wellington cannot afford the food they need to be well.
Rebuilding a better food system means that we have to find new ways of doing things and fill gaps that traditional food systems were not built to address.
Food insecurity is an income based issue. Many people simply do not have enough money to afford they food they need. We offer free-to-access programming to complement our work with social enterprise to ensure we offer something to everyone regardless of socioeconomic status.
We can’t rebuild a food system or address all the needs of a community alone. What we are doing is BIG and requires a great deal of collaboration with other organizations and businesses who can share knowledge, resources, connections, and ultimately share in the success of this common goal.
We are using innovative social enterprises as a way to involve the whole community in the solution. Sliding scale pricing allows us to offer something to everyone. Sales at retail pricing help offset a small fraction of operating costs, but more importantly gives everyone a chance to experience the quality of what we offer.
Read our blog posts below for more information on the ‘why’ and ‘how’ we are transforming and innovating within the food system…
April 2022 SEED Champion: Kim Muniram
Every month we celebrate someone who helps make The SEED what it is. Kim joined The SEED team in September as a part time placement student, but is leaving behind a full time impact! During her two semesters with Groceries from The SEED, Kim has managed to do it all-...
Shelldale Farm Park Update
The SEED is a proud partner in Shelldale Farm Park. In 2021, we embarked on this multi- year project, starting with the rehabilitation of the community garden and kitchen at 20 Shelldale Cres. With lots of activity in both garden and kitchen, and tons of community...
Groceries from The SEED Evaluation Fall 2021
We received our first Groceries from The SEED evaluation back from Taylor Newberry Consulting, our third party evaluator, in September 2021. We are having a big impact on food insecurity in Guelph. Click here to read the report
Groceries from The SEED Expansion to Centre Wellington and Guelph-Eramosa
Groceries from The SEED is growing. We're so excited to let you know that we now deliver every Tuesday to these two townships in Wellington County! Sign up today and order by Fridays at 2:00pm to have high-quality groceries delivered to your door on Tuesday afternoons...
Important changes to Groceries from The SEED Memberships
Starting on September 21 2021, each Groceries from The SEED Membership category has a new name and discount range: Old Membership Name/ Discount New Membership Name New...
The SEED is a charitable, non-profit food program of the Guelph Community Health Centre.
About the Guelph CHC
The vision of the Guelph CHC is A community without barriers to health and well-being. We reduce health inequities by providing inter-professional primary health services and community programs, focused on the populations we prioritize, in collaboration with community partners.
Access to nutritious food is core to a person’s well-being. As a non-profit program we are able to design and operate programs that increase physical and financial access to food among people facing food insecurity.